Anthropological direction.
Classification of criminals characteristics.
Criminal Nato.
• Anthropological Features:
-Front Elusive and low
-Great Development superciliary ridges
Cranial -Asimetrías
Abnormal skull -height
Fusion of the atlas with the occipital bone
-Great Development cheekbones
-Orejas Pinning
Darwin -Tubérculo
-Great Hairiness
Height Above -Braza
• psychological, biological and social characteristics:
-Great Frequency Tattoo (Many Obscene)
-A Significant analgesia (insensitivity to pain)
-More Mancisismo (handedness)
-Insensibilidad Affective (immutability to the pain of others and themselves, indifference to death, etc.)
-Frequency Suicide
Affective -Inestabilidad
General and special -Vanidad by Crime
-Venganza, Cruelty
-Notables Trends Wine, gambling, sex, orgies.
-Use Special language (slang)
-The Religious sense is very lost among urban criminals
His dangerousness is denoted by high recidivism and the tendency to associate with other criminals to form bands.Loco Moral Offenders • Characteristics: Great -Escasez in Asylums and Prisons frequency and brothels -are Subject weight and strength equal to or greater than normal -The Skull has an equal or higher than normal capacity and generally has no differences with normal skulls -Some Cases found common criminal man characters (voluminous jaw, facial asymmetry, etc.) -Analgesia They're very clever (they refuse to accept the tattoo, knowing it is a criminal distinction) -Precocidad Of sexual perversion and exaggeration, unnatural. They're incapable of living in family, respond hatred for hatred and sometimes even they have cause -In Some cases despite the excessive selfishness, altruism is noted -The Megalomania, excessive vanity, (helps him to write his life in great detail and elegance) - All are cunning, habilis to make their crimes and justify in His character seems contradictory because they are strangely excitable They've got a great lazy to work, but they make all curse the open like they have right to do so They're very good at simulating Madness -Datan Usually in childhood or puberty Epileptic Offenders -subject Highly aggressive Tendency to idleness, sometimes with unintended long wanderings 'Love of Animals -Sonambulismos (Twilight States) -Obscenidad (Masturbation, homosexuality and depravity) -Precocidad Sexual and Alcohol -Invulnerabilidad (Ease and speed of healing) -Destructividad -Vanidad -Grafomanía -Double Personality to Write Special-words or phrases Tendency to suicide (sincere or simulated) -Tatuajes -Association -Simulation (Insane or epileptic seizure) -Intermitencias (Mood swings) -Amnesia -Auras
Loco offender (Pazzo) Lombroso makes a difference between criminals and madmen crazy criminals, criminals being crazy insane sick, unable to understand or to will, to commit a crime without knowing what they do, instead the crazy offender is the person who has committed a crime and then goes mad in prison. Lombroso says that besides the judges dictate sentences do not know anything about psychiatry, and are called a general idea as criminally insane, this is the door or beyond the just punishment. Lombroso takes into account special cases, three kinds of crazy offender: the alcoholic, the hysterical, the mattoide.
Passionate criminals A passionate offender can not be a crazy criminal, nor has atavistic aspects or epilepsy, moral insanity nor therefore have to be a subject with other features, and these are: -Rareza (5-6%) in violent crime. -age 20 to 30 years -Sex: 36% of women, four times other offenses -Cráneo No medical data. -Beauty Of physiognomy, almost complete absence of characters, which are noted as common criminals and madmen. -A Beauty body responds honesty of the soul Exaggerated -Afectividad Anesthesia momentarily at the time of the crime. -Conmoción After the crime. Suicide, or attempted immediately after the crime. -Confesión: Contrary to common criminals, not hide the crime itself, they confess to judicial authority to relieve pain and remorse. They're the ones who give the maximum of amendment. The offender is always immediate passion, and passion that moves is a noble passion, distinguishing itself from the passions that drive ordinary criminals. Classifies offenders passion into three types: Mourning, infanticide, political passion.
Occasional Offenders: For the occasional criminals Lombroso divides them into pseudo-criminals, criminaloides, and regular The woman offender Lombroso women suspected of committing crimes aimed at developed unusual strength. Female offenders showed fewer sigmos of degeneration for the simple reason that they were less evolved than men. It concluded that women are naturally more submissive to the law that men, women must be criminal uncommon genetically male. Convicted women suffered a double ostracism legal and social. Political criminal. Lombroso Development produced a play called "political crimes and revolutions" which says that it is not really a different kind of criminal, but is a complete study of political crime, finding that this can be done by all kinds of criminals . Since it was state, there were political crimes, it is relative and depends on the will of the ruler, who holds the title in a State. The State, for the mere fact of being, has the absolute need for its existence and security against behaviors that tend to destroy or ignore their sovereignty, domestic and international. For that reason, the State lays down rules that protect it from crime committed against these principles or be political offenses. Politics can be defined as "science and art of government, dealing with the organization and administration of the state in domestic and international affairs. We then, as already said, that the serious political offense directed against the state as a political personality. The objective criterion says there are political offense when the object of criminal protection is political in nature, that is, when it comes to any attack on the state, whether in his life, integrity, security, shape or constitution. The subjective test says you have to be the spring of action, if the intended purpose of the holder of the action is political, we face a political offense. Manzini, said to be "the psychic impulses tending to favor" to do or combat games ideas or companies, in the opinion of the own interests of the state or society in general ". They are political acts? Are all punishable attacks against the existence or security of the State or against a member of the government, Constitution, against political rights in elections and referenda or against good relations with foreign countries. The political offense, as Professor Luis Carlos Perez says, does not lend itself to a synthetic study, for reasons converge in the legal, political and economic order, and also because the evolutionary offense has been formed by the influx of vagueness , theological waste ideologies that contradict the nature of man. Generally defined as a crime "any fact that the legal system links result in punishment." All of which leads us to conclude that the crime is part of the category "legal facts" or events that produce legal consequences. And within these facts it belongs to the scale of "legal acts" by consisting of a voluntary human behavior. The penalty is the most severe penalties, not only for the sufferer but to the State imposing it. Antolisei defines the crime as "human behavior that, in the judgment of the legislature, in contrast to the goals of the State and requires a criminal penalty as punishment. Must discard the expression "contrasts with the state's objectives" because it means that reference to actions that harm not only to the preservation of society, but those who hinder its evolution, its development is done. Precisely the latter are those that give birth to a political offense. Of course, all crimes affecting the State, as an organ of protection of all rights. It should also be noted, as noted Soler, all crimes in which the taxpayer than the state itself; and those in which the legally protected not assume the character of a fundamental and political right. Political crimes are against the state, generally regarded as an organization and political body; affect the constitutional foundations and territorial integrity. It is directed not only crimes against the state, but actual crimes that tend to affect it as a political entity. The political offender, by contrast, is altruistic, seeks to improve the social conditions of existence. Hence, the constitutions of all civilized countries establish a regime for the political offense exception: authorizes the forgiveness (amnesty or pardon), or a special regime, and this brings significant legal consequences: the rights of nursing and non-extradition to the offender This genre. The political crime is foreign to certain considerations that it is only right and punishable under the law of the strongest. And advised to keep silent or escape justice when mixed with politics. "For many years, criminologists and policymakers around the world have been in politics a different type of crime common, and, combined the two factors or elements that has been talked about (the fact mobile injured and interests), we assigned to this crime a special category, to which different considerations govern the rules applicable to common crime, ranging from simple trial to the special arrangements for extradition, amnesty and pardon. Crime policy looked more serious or pernicious, by collective disturbances that determined and the danger posed to the life of the state. Certainly a selfish approach prevailed, class or privilege. Today the political crime is regarded with respect and even sympathy, for the class of mobile pursued: the welfare or improvement of community life, by changing institutions. When we analyze the normative dimension of criminal proceedings indicate that, considering that this area is intended to regulate the exercise of state punitive power and basic citizens' rights versus the same, we were basically in the presence of a constitutional right. The study of the different models of criminal justice in relation to the political and social phenomena that occur at the time they arise and develop. Criminal justice systems are links or relationships with the way a particular State is organized.
The tripod Lombrosian It is the simple statement that can tell whether a man is a criminal observing the size of the head and that the shape and size of the head or the depth of the cheekbones of a subject is not sufficient to determine their dangerousness. Postulated that brain size was a factor in determining how dangerous an offender. The observation of the characteristics in a subject is sufficient to determine its danger. Criticizes theories lombrosianas One of the first criticisms that makes Lombroso is his claim that the born criminal is predestined to crime. This review is absurd since Lombroso never spoke of predestination, the subject having the aforementioned features is not necessarily a crime, the person who has them is predisposed to be criminal, and we must make a clear difference between predestination and predisposition. Lombroso makes a clear difference between the actual and latent born criminal born criminal. Actual born criminal is already committed a crime; while the born criminal is latent which has a strong predisposition to crime, but not yet commit crimes. * Thoroughly reviews the Lombrosianas theories can be classified as morphological, sociological and psychological. Morphological: based primarily on the traits "criminals" are also honorable subjects. So, Gentile says Lombroso the criminal is not a criminal, but the body of a criminal.
Sociological: begun by Ferri, in his "New Horizons," the influence of the environment, this will be one of the key criticisms of the representatives of school for Lyon, considering that Lombroso not take into account external factors. In his next volume he exceeded these criticisms. Psychological: From Freud, mainly Giuffreé (1912), speaking of instinctive perversions and demonstrate the influence of psychological problems with crime, the discovery of the unconscious and deep biological processes allows a different analysis of the criminal issue.
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